Your voice matters: Building a Better Jersey Village
The City of Jersey Village is developing a new Comprehensive Plan to guide our growth and development as a replacement for the city’s 2020 update of its Comprehensive Plan. This plan will help us make informed and strategic decisions about how we use our land, what kind of buildings and neighborhoods we build, how we get around town, and how we create jobs and opportunities.
Your input is important and we want everyone in Jersey Village to be involved in shaping the future of our community. Your ideas will help us create a plan that reflects the values and needs of everyone who makes Jersey Village their home.
As with public feedback, research is a critical component in developing this plan. A variety of data will be evaluated, including:
- Population, demographic, and socioeconomic data
- Housing developments
- Land use and developable area
- Community facilities
- Utilities and infrastructure
- Roads, transportation, and mobility
- Parks, trails, and open space
- Economic vitality and strengths
- Environmental conditions and hazards
- Resiliency
- Priority investments
- Existing plans, ordinances, and policies
The Process
Step 1: Understanding the Community
- Assess existing plans: The project team will review existing city, county, and regional plans including the Harris County Hazard Mitigation Plan to see how they will impact the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
- Gather Information: This involves studying things like how many people live here, what kind of homes we have, the city’s roads and infrastructure, and the environment.
- Ask for your input: We’ll conduct a survey to find out what residents want for Jersey Village’s future.
- Have open discussions: The project team will hold meetings and public workshops to talk about what was discovered while evaluating existing conditions and also to gather community objectives, issues, concerns, and opportunities.
- Goals and objectives: Preliminary broad, achievable, and long-term outcome goals and objectives will be drafted based on discussions and meetings.

Existing Plans
The documents below represent existing plans and studies performed by the City of Jersey Village that are evaluated as part of this project.
Step 2: Planning the Future
- Draft the plan: Under the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee (CPUC), the project team will develop a first draft of the Comprehensive Plan based on what was learned in Step 1.
- Get your feedback: We’ll meet again with the public to hear the community’s thoughts on the draft and make any changes based on the feedback received.
- Finalize goals: Feedback collected will be used to finalize the goals for the city of Jersey Village.
Step 3: Refining the Plan
- Make improvements: The project team will use feedback obtained in Step 2 to improve the plan.
- Review the final draft: Again, it’s important for the community to be involved in the planning process, so the public will have another opportunity to review the plan and give your input.
- Build consensus: From the CPUC committee to stakeholder groups and city staff, we will work together to agree on a final plan.
Step 4: Implementing the Plan
- Identify target initiatives: Specific actions and projects will be identified that will allow full implementation of the Comprehensive Plan.
- Identify responsible parties: To ensure the Comprehensive Plan is holistically implemented, specific tasks and responsibilities to city staff, departments, and other stakeholders will be assigned.
- Establish success metrics: Goals and benchmarks for progress tracking will be included in the implementation matrix for measuring the success of each objective and initiative.
- Prioritize initiatives: The order in which initiatives will be implemented should be based on factors such as urgency, cost-benefit analysis, and alignment with overall goals. These factors will be allow for project prioritization within the implementation matrix and will allow the city to ensure adequate funding and resources are available to support implementation.
- Set timelines: The implementation matrix will include short- and long-term recommendations to achieve the city’s desired vision and will form an emphasis on creating action projects to be completed immediately which create momentum toward overall goals.
Step 5: Plan Adoption
- Present the plan: Once a final draft of the plan has been developed, it will be presented to the City Council after a public hearing.
- Adopt the plan: The City Council will consider a vote to adopt the final plan.
- Zoning rules: A zoning ordinance or equivalent enforcing regulation will be created or updated with provisions for implementing and enforcing the approved Comprehensive Plan.
Project Timeline